In today’s world, there’s so much noise that can distract your new and current customers from engaging with your brand. Because of this, it’s important for you and your business to participate in an effective email marketing strategy that will assist you in breaking that cycle. Create buzz around your products/services through email marketing, and utilize this strategy to break the boring cycle and help your business stand out among competitors!
Creating Buzz through an Email Marketing Strategy
When it comes to keeping your customers engaged, email marketing is one of the most effective ways to do so. The advantages of email marketing go beyond the basics. Utilizing email marketing allows you to create a list of individuals that have interacted with and are interested in your business. Email marketing gives you control over your audience, free reign to promote what you want and to who you want, and allows you to track the audience engagement so you can establish some best practices for your business. Ensure that you’re utilizing this strategy to its full effect by remembering the 3 P’s: Product, Promotions, and Perception.
It’s safe to say that every business has something that they are trying to get their customer to buy. Whether that’s a certain product, service, membership, etc. – a customer purchase is always the end goal. When someone opens up your email, you not only want to ensure that they are engaged throughout the whole process, but also want to make sure they know what to do after engaging with that email. What actions should they be taking after reading?
Say you wish to promote a new product for your business and persuade readers of your email to purchase that new product. In your email marketing, you should be sure to provide clear images, pricing, and any other important information you think would be important for your customer to ultimately make the decision to press buy. The best way to do so is by putting yourself in the customer’s shoes. If you were the customer, what information would you deem necessary in order for you to follow through with a purchase?
It’s important to position your business to be front of mind with your customer base. Again, with all the noise in the market and the amount of emails that your customers likely receive on a daily basis, how are you going to break through that?
Utilizing a weekly/bi-weekly email newsletter will help guide your customers through their purchasing decisions. For example, a particular Elevate Ranges client sends a weekly email to their subscribers called the “Quick Draw”. The email was designed to promote key events, discuss important information, highlight sales, and any other major items that the client felt necessary.
With this weekly routine, it was easy for the client to get their information out to customers and helped inform their readers and move them through the purchasing process. If these customers can continue to open and interact with the email it only moves your customer towards repeat purchases, which equals a lifetime customer.

Do your customers know what’s going on? Do they know the promotions, sales and events? Similar to both P’s above, Perception is important for your customer to always know what’s going on at your location. This is what gets people excited and drives them through your doors.
Uses the art of perception to show everything that is going on for the week including classes, events, sales, products, etc. Be sure to spice up the email by including animation, branding, and opportunities for the reader to engage (CTA, Buttons, etc.).
Make your Emails Unique!
When a customer is subscribing to your emails, it’s because they want to stay updated with your brand! Use this to your advantage and be sure to meet the expectations of your customers by delivering an email that they don’t want to miss! You can make your email marketing unique by incorporating your businesses branding, using imagery, including catchy headlines and subheadlines, adding movement, and of course… utilizing those 3 P’s!